Marketplace Volume

24 h: $31,594

12 m: $1,257,940

Prairie Isle Golf Club tee times

Prairie Isle Golf Club
Prairie Isle Golf Club


2216 Route 176, Prairie Grove, Illinois 60014


Prairie Isle Golf Club is one of Illinois' top golf courses that offers a challenging yet fair golfing experience for all skill levels. The course covers over 135 acres and is constructed with a variety of woodlands, meadows, and wetlands, which provides golfers with a unique adventure. The course offers flexibility with the variety of yardages, angles of play, and layout of holes, resulting in an abundance of shot-making situations. Water becomes a factor of play on about 12 of the holes, but it is well balanced overall in terms of difficulty. Additionally, the high-level decision making required to play efficiently has earned Prairie Isle Golf Club the reputation of being a thinker's course. The course and holes are meticulously designed to allow golfers to have a comfortable, elevated view of the fairway or green for ideal shot placement. Notably, the 12th and 13th holes are the most astounding and memorable for their great design. The courses are spaciously laid out to ensure a consistent pace of play throughout the outing. The staff at Prairie Isle Golf Club is amicable and always willing to help make your stay better. For those who want to expand their golf game, this course offers professional golf lessons by the PGA tour player Quentin Grasso. The visually attractive presentation of Prairie Isle Golf Club, together with its fairness, gives all players a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

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